SABA (Salem Behineh Ayandeh Negar) Company, relying on 12,000 hours of research and field investigations since 2019, commenced its

activities in Aloe Vera powder production in Hormozgan Province of Iran. This marked achievement in technology and science utilizes the advanced Spray Dryer (S.D) and the exclusive and postmodern (S.I.P) method developed by the company's Research and Development (R&D) unit.


This significant technical and scientific milestone, employing cutting-edge technology and a proprietary method exclusive to this establishment, enables the production of various grades of Aloe Vera powder at the highest quality and competitive prices, both domestically and internationally. It is noteworthy that Iran is among the few countries possessing highly advanced and exclusive technical skills and knowledge in this field.

introduction and background
introduction and background
introduction and background
introduction and background